Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Stanford Plate Workout

so you take a 45 plate, and do 9 different exercises, the exercises we do are chest press at 45 degree angle, over the shoulders, which is like bicep curls over one shoulder, and one is over both shoulder, next is lunges, one on each leg is one, then tricep press, then squats, top to bottom which is like a swing from your hips to above your head with your arms straight, around the worlds where you start the plate at your hips, and then swing It around your head, once each way is 1, then bent over rows, then standing plate twists with your elbows bent 90 degrees once right and left is one, so we'll start with 13 reps, go through, then go straight into 12 reps, the entire time you can't drop the plate, after the 12 reps you do a 3 second 90 degree plate hold with arms locked out in front of you, then you drop the plate and immediately go into the sprint. So for the sprint, you lay a marker out 90 yards away, you sprint there and back and there and back, you have to make it in 1:05 otherwise you have to do another one. Next you do the next two reps which would be 11 and 10, do a 3 second plate hold after 10 (remember you can't set the plate down at all during those 2 sets) and then you do another sprint, finally the last set is just 9 and 8 with a plate hold and sprint, allow for about a minute or minute and a half recovery between a sprint and starting the next plate set